Monday, June 11, 2007

Reflection 4

Why do you think that it is so difficult for researchers to agree on the CPH (Critical Age Hypothesis)? Give explicit examples from the readings. Also give examples from your own experience.

I suggest that it is difficult for researchers to agree on the CPH because they all suggest different or contradictory theories. Lenneberg and Diller suggest that is neurological. Krashen suggest that is motivational and attitude. Scovel’s (1969) idea suggested that the plasticity of the brain prior to puberty enables children to acquire not only their first language but also a second language, and that possibly it is the very accomplishment of lateralization that makes it difficult for people to be able to ever again to easily acquire fluent control of a second language, or at least to acquire it with authentic pronunciation (Guiora, 1972). Researchers suggest many different ideas; yet if I was to research CPH, I would probably suggest my own theory and will not correlate with this research.

I learned English fast. I came to the United States when I was 19; I assure that by then my brain had reached lateralization. I had no support from my high school teachers; yet I believe that practicing everyday made the acquisition successful. As a Bilingual Education teacher, I can see it with my students. They pick up BICS so fast and easy. Yet, their CALP is harder to gain and may take years to acquire.


Erika said...

Fijate que differente, yo tambien llegue a este pais en la adolesencia y fue muy dificil para mi adquirir el ingles. Ahora que reflexiono, me doy cuenta que el miedo a hacer el ridiculo, la interferencia con las diferencias de cultura, y no estar familiarizada con el idioma, fueron factores que contribuyeron a el prolongamiento de mi aprendizaje del segundo idioma. Ahora que ya tengo las bases es mas facil para mi procesar informacion nueva y comprenderla, aunque a veces todavia tengo dificultad. Erika.

Juanita's Space said...

I think every person who came to the U.S. after 15 yrs old, faces too many challenges to acquire a new language system. I started learning BICS bacause it was what I heard with my family, or the much or less that I understand from the movies. Words like gonna, wanna...
The process of the SLA depends on the people need to learned and communicate in L2.
For instance, for my Mom is very hard for her to start the process of learning a L2, because she does not need it to suvive in this country, maybe if we where in the north states, it will be different. I beleieve there is not CPH, it depends on the person characteristics and desire to learn a SL.

Ines Rodriguez said...

That stinks that you had no support from your high school teachers, I believe coming to the U.S. at an older age you need all the support you need. The good thing is that you did have practice of the language because I am a firm believer if you don't use it you loose it. I feel like that with Spanish sometimes because I don't practice it that often I find myself thinking of the right word to say then I tend to code switch when I can't remember it.